Monday, April 2, 2012

Acting Out

They have a derogatory name for it. The terrible twos, the threatening threes, what have you …

They are parents regretfully discovering the awesome responsibility of raising a child in captivity. As this wild child begins finding its own way around, abandoning the nipple to feed its curiosity with tastes of everything in sight, climbing out of its cage and learning to travel erect to satisfy an insatiable appetite for what have you, the domesticated human parent, rather than back off to observe the delight of discovering the nature of itself and the world, intercede with behavior protocols required by the dominant myth in that particular planetary location.

The reality of civilized parenting that never gets passed down from parent to child like these reactionary trends in child raising are, is that each child is denied what indigenous people call a walkabout or a vision quest for a spirit guide, a chance to learn of its organic membership in the living universe as an individual cell. They’re so put on best behavior alert the only self they learn to appreciate is the obedient one, the reflection in the examining eye of authority, with no time to indulge curiosity about or familiarity with whoever it is all those varied reflections are of.

The closest example among western civilizations to a vision quest is dubbed “the Devil’s Playground,” when young, thirteen year old Quaker children are deemed to be oriented sufficiently to the traditions of their church to be allowed the status of adults and are released from any required behavior unless they return to the fold by their own volition. Over 90% do.

By the time a child is oriented to a way of thinking for thirteen years and released into the very culture their conditioning taught was the devils work, the brainwashing has taken a surprising hold on their curiosity.

When Laura Bush learned that children’s most intense mental growth occurred around the age of two she recommended they be put in school that soon.
Civilization demonizes acting out from womb to tomb making anyone thinking outside the box a demon by imprisoning them within a box to hush their secret.
Very few find their way outside that invisible prison, so tied up in the knots they designed to justify life within a tautology.

Occupy Wall Street is a child spitting out the lousy diet of its infancy and dumping the plate on its head. The government is the closed minded, outsmarted parent who decares out of frustration, “…because I said so!” and slaps the shit out of the little smart asses.

It doesn’t take deep thinking to understand why we are so easily led to war by accountants who never heard of win-win statesmanship. Besides, no one gets richer than anyone else in peace time. 

"Health is nature's default."
—— Joel Salatin, Omnivore's Dilemma


  1. I am not QUITE brainy enough or easy with words as you, Cousin, but have to live by the rules here, and they are getting more stringent and more stupid. We sign petitions to protest agains some of them, but nothing much does any good.
    I like the comforts of a "civilised" life, that is the trouble, and I am too worn out to care sometimes!!
    Keith and I couldnt live like you do, but by golly, we admire you for it!!

  2. It's never too late to have a happy childhood!

    1. It is Todd - mine still haunts me.
