Monday, April 16, 2012

Dynamics of Duality

The notion of nothing would never occur to a being who has yet to “notice something”; no smell in an odorless world, nor sound amid silence, neither brightness or hue of light to vary, nary a solid found while floating free without a body to be seen or by which to see, to be smelled or with which to sniff, to be heard or to speak. From reports by considerate parents, prenatal influences show reactionary symptoms in the child’s development during and after birth, implying that from the first cell on there exists something that can “notice something,” destined by dna to be homo sapiens sapiens.

The closest to nothing I have ever experienced are dreamless nights when more than eight hours pass with nothing to recall more recent than how much better I feel than when going to sleep. Haven’t had many of those since I quit drinking. Dreamless sleeps mean no more than my unconsciousness of an ongoing lot of everything, independent of my consciousness for their existence.

The surest example of the infinite mystery of the living universal consciousness is that the more specifically a thing is described, what it is not expands exponentially, fractally, as more double helixes of duality come unraveling with each new version of what it is.

The Möbius Strip serves me as the metaphorical universal solvent for all its inherent, baffling duality including the when of any beginning or end to this ever changing event occurring everywhere at once. It suggests that no dimension has an understanding of the entirety of existence superior to any another when I recon my own total dependence upon accurately interpreting reports from them that my cells “notice something” to call myself conscious of existence at all. Whatever body I serve as a living cell must surely gain awareness by observing me “notice something”, as I do my own cells.

Mobius Loop

This universal consciousness threads throughout the entire existence of matter as the observer enlivening its parts with curiosity at every scale of time and space.

Curiosity requires duality to refine their exact opposition until the unspeakable, undeniable truth, which neither side alone could ever admit, as with precisely focused tongs, is plucked from the embers of experience as the melted down, epitomic nugget of all concerns. That which is taken to be provocation to violence by the impatient brute is taken to be a signpost in natural, cultural evolution by those who would benefit all with the dynamics of duality showing neither notion could exist without the other.

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